Saturday, June 10, 2006

It All Adds Ups

We have our first tropical storm of the season heading our way. Yesterday, I did not walk because I noticed the last few times I walked my legs were a little achie, so I thought I should give them a rest. Today, of course, with a possible tropical storm and cheese in the frig waiting for me, I had to walk tonight when I got home from work. And, it was an okay walk. I thought I might get rained out because we are already starting to get some rain clouds from the storm, but I kept dry.

Another extra cool doo-dad on is the activities tracker. I've been walking fairly regularly since January, but I haven't actually take the time to track it. I did take a few car trips to determine that I walked anywhere from 1.5 to 2+ miles depending on the route I took, but other than that, I had no clue. Now, with fitday, I can keep track of my distance and such. This, along with mapmyrun, is a good way to see my progress (or lack of).

Maybe 2 miles isn't much, but 2 miles every day adds up. Even with taking a day off, I've logged 13.07 miles this week (from last Sunday to today) and (supposedly) burned 614 calories.

Sure, not huge, but it's nice to see.


Anonymous said...

Don't knock 2 miles -- it all adds up. And before you know it, 2 miles turns into 3!

fatand40 said...

That's what I'm hoping!