Saturday, June 03, 2006

Begin at the Beginning

Today I'm getting ready to head off to a party. Of course, it's going to be fun. My whole family is going to be there, and I'm looking forward to getting some smoochy time in with my young nephews, but I know I'm also going to leave feeling old and fat, even extra fat today, because my older sis will be there and she just lost probably about 30 lbs. Now, I'm totally thrilled for her. That goes without saying, though I guess I just said it, but I can't help but feel badly when I look at myself in the mirror.

In fact, just yesterday I was thinking this too. I was at work standing in the office of a woman who is just drop-dead-gorgeous. She is probably a tad older than I am, but still in her 40s, and she has the body of a 20 year old. And, mind you, I know she works at it. Her office has one of those reflecitve windows where it's more like a mirror so that people who walk by can't see in but you can see out. And so there I was, big fat me looking back at big fat me. And she was next to me, looking like she looks, and I though, "Damn it! Enough already."

So, here I am blogging at "Fat and 40." This is the beginning of a journal that I hope works as a motivator for me to get these lbs off and keep them off for good, forever. I think this will be about the 3rd or 4th time that I've seriously dieted, lost the weight, only to see it back here a few years later. It missed me. It likes me soooo much!

I'm at the beginning of this blog and at the beginning of my next attempt to lose weight and get into some kind of shape. I don't expect to have the size 2 figure I had at 20. I'm not completely out of touch with reality. I just want to get down to a comfortable size and firm things up. You know how gravity tends to take over after age 30. By 40, well, nuff said, it sucks.

Welcome to Fat and 40!


Anonymous said...

Hey there! It's not easy to get started but you've taken the first step. Publicly documenting your journey is going to be very motivating. I'm going to add this to A Hearty Life's blogroll. Will you add me too?

Hang in there!

fatand40 said...

Thanks Lei. I just added your link.