Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Finally! A Break Through!

In my Dee Nile post early, I complained about hitting a plateau of sorts. I guess 3 weeks counts as one, but whatever it was, I finally managed to lose another pound. Yes, pathetic that I'm so glad to lose one pound, but after 3 weeks of nothing, I was seriously starting to lose faith. I added two days of exercise, just 20 minutes each day, and I kept my hand from venturing into the nut jar that is out every night on the kitchen counter. Even now, it sits there trying to seduce me, and it is still hard not to just dip my hand in for a quick cashew.

Other than that, I really didn't suffer much during the week. I even managed to go out to eat at Outback, which I found to be a very diet friendly place. I haven't eaten there much, but I knew I could at least have shrimp, so it seemed safe for me to go, unlike a place like Friday's who has deep fried mac & cheese for appetizers. We had a coupon, so I looked them up on the net. Yup, I'm never, ever, never going there, ever. At Outback, though, there were lots of choice, fish, shrimp, lobster, and lots of steamed veggies. Plus, they didn't push the bread on you like most places. We had a loaf; I had a few pieces. That was it. They didn't even ask if we wanted more, which I guess some people might think that's a bad thing. I was just relieved.

So, here is to 10.5 lbs. I don't miss you!

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